Sunday, March 1, 2009

Homeowners Meeting For February 25, 2009

In attendance: Gary Peterson, Fran Oroson, Jim Curley, Bob Wolfgang, Gerry Kovolchuk, Mindy Schwartz. No homeowners were present at the meeting.

Gary called the meeting to order and opened the floor with Election of Officers.

New Officers:
President: Gerry Kovolchuk
Vice president: Bob Wolgang
Secretary: Mindy Schwartz

*Went over monthly reports.

*Painting of the doors and shutters for Phase 1 Units will be done. Someone will have to beat home, because, the door will have to be left open. There will be four colors that the homeowners will have to choose from. If people have painted their doors other colors than allowed they will be painted over.

*Need to have a letter sent out to homeowners that if they are going to make changes to the outside of their condo, they have to be first approved by the homeowner. If approved they will have to sign a letter accepting responsibility and that the HOA will not be responsible for any damage caused by the changes.

*If homeowners are having problems with the light by their door or garage the HOA would look into the possibility of hiring someone to fix or replace the lights at a discounted price that will be paid by the homeowner.

*Still some issues with sink holes by some units.

*There will be someone coming out to price Unit 100 for a wall in the back of the condo because of falling rocks and trees. Other units connected will have to be taken care of too.

*The minutes of the meetings will now appear at and a community blog that has been setup at This blog is also used to keep the Greens Homeowners updated with any information going on and around our district. This blog is for informational purposes only. All questions, problems etc will still need to be sent to email

*Need to know what units are rented and if so, need to have contact information of who is renting and how they can be reached.

*Just a reminder to pet owners that there is a leash law and that you need to clean up after your pets.

Instead of sending out multiple letters to the homeowners a “Newsletter” will be sent out shortly discussing the issues above.

Have a great month everyone!