Monday, September 13, 2010

Crime Watch - Sunday Night 9-12-2010

I just wanted to leave everyone a big thank you, if you were one of the many people that called the police last night after the gunshot(S) was heard. I think that is why we had a very quick response from the Police in this matter.

Details are still going back and forth what really happened, but the shot came from the corner of Longhunter and Nashboro Greens Entrance.

Like I have stated before, from the meetings I have had with other Neighborhood Watch Groups, HOA Groups, and the Police, if you hear or see something that does not look or sound right call the Police. They would rather come out here for nothing then not be notified.

The only way we get more Police in our area is to report any incidents.

If you do not call! How are the Police or your Neighbors Supposed to know what is going on!