STAFF REPORTS • November 24, 2010
Nashville Electric Service will soon unveil a new and improved interactive tool using Google’s mapping technology to track power outages.
The outage map will be available at
The map offers a view of outages across the NES system, pop up boxes for additional details, and a drill down capability to identify streets without power.
The map is updated every 15 minutes.
The outage map uses color-coded icons to indicate the number and location of customers without power in the NES service area.
Here is some advice to best use the tool:
*Click on the icon for information about the outage.
*The map view can be customized by selecting the Satellite, Hybrid or Terrain options.
*Click “+” to zoom in, click “–” to zoom out.
*Use the arrows (upper left of map) to navigate up, down, left, or right.