Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Crime Update

Sorry to say I have to report another incident of crime at The Greens.On Sunday,
October 11Th, 12 noon, a young man from The Greens was mugged by a masked person
with a knife on the corner of Longhunter and Nashboro Greens. That is correct noon this Sunday.

Not gang related, just a mugging.

Two things from the police officers - make sure that you call them or at least crime stoppers anytime you see something that is not right. The more complaints they get the more chance we get to have more police patrolling the area. Another interesting thing was that the crime has increased since all the condos allowed renters. All the condos through out Nashville Village are affected here.

I think when it was decided to have condo owners rent units when they are not supposed to,
that all the homeowners should have been allowed to the vote on this issue. There are units here that were purchased here just for the purpose of renting which is not part of our rules.

Sorry, The Police want to keep the whole community aware of what is going on in the area.
Anyone with any ideas or thoughts, feel free to let me know..

But please call if something is going on.....

Jim any news on the signs? The police asked why we never have put up signs..

Thanks all and hope to see many of you at the insurance update meeting.
