Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Board Meeting May 19,2010

Present: Fran Oroson, Gary Petersen, Jim Curley
Absent: Anthony Miller, Justin Sauer, Marissa Harpley

We did not have a quorum present at the meeting. However, we did go through the Agenda Items for reporting purposes for the Association Members who read the Minutes on the website.

The Minutes for the April meeting were approved by the Board Members via e-mail before they were posted on the website.

There were not unforeseen expenses for the month and we are within budget on all accounts. There were a few roof leaks reported after the heavy rains Nashville experienced, and Jim Curley Properties (JCP) reported they had been addressed and repaired to the best of our knowledge. Water leaks are very hard to locate, as where the water seen is not necessarily where it is coming into the property.

It has been recommended that new bushes be planted at the front entrance of The Greens. JCP will talk with the landscaper and see what type of bushes would be best suited for that area and report back.

A third new tree will be planted at unit 279. The owner has requested her tree be replaced again. For some reason, either the soil there is bad or it doesn’t get enough water, but the trees planted there do not do well. JCP will check into the best type of tree to be planted there and it should be replaced in the next week or two.

We continue to have problems with cars parked in the visitor spaces and on the street. JCP will be coming out and putting tags on all cars parked in the visitor spaces stating this is the last warning. If these cars are found in the visitor spaces again, they will be towed. Any cars parked on the street will be towed. The towing expense will be the responsibility of the car owner. There are a limited number of reserved spaces available at a monthly rate, just contact JCP.

All street lights that have been reported as not working have been repaired.

There will be no Board Meeting in July, unless a special meeting is called. The next Board Meeting is scheduled for August 19, 2010 at 6:30 pm, Deerfield Club House (unless otherwise notified).

Respectfully submitted,

Fran Oroson