Friday, November 18, 2011

Meeting with Congressman Jim Cooper, District Holiday Lights Contest Time is Running Out, Legislation Update

Meeting with Congressman Jim Cooper on Federal Funding
Last week I along with many members of the Metro Council met with Congressman Cooper to learn of grant funding cuts on the federal level that can impact State and Local funding. This link provides information on what was discussed.

Update on Hickory Hollow Mall Improvements -

This past Tuesday at our Metro Council meeting, the funding request was approved.


A resolution authorizing the Director of Public Property, or his designee, to exercise an option to purchase real property (Map 163-00-0 Parcel 255.00) for use as a community/recreation center, public library, and storage, including conversion of the parking area to a recreational area (Proposal No. 2011M-022PR-001).

Click on this link to view what was approved

Former Metro Councilman Mike Jameson was appointed to fill the late Judge Leon Ruben's seat in Metro General Sessions Court by the Metro Council.

Legislation Update
The ordinance regarding Chickens - The Public Hearing for comments regarding this legislation before the Metro Council is scheduled for January 3, 2012 at 6:00 p.m.

Continue to provide feedback and share this information with neighbors who may not be on my email list so that they can join in the discussion and feedback and also be added to future newsletters. I thank each and everyone of you for the significant number of emails with feedback to date. Thank you for taking time to respond. I will represent your voice accordingly on the council floor.

The Ordinance regarding Tri-faced Billboards - Item 4 on this link has been deferred at the request of the Planning Staff and Commissioners. 

I appeared before the board last week and this item was on the agenda to be disapproved. 

However with the assistance of Attorney's I was able to provide information that they are now considering. When the Commission learned that they had approved this on consent without discussion also they wanted to discuss what was shared further. 

One of the commissioners asked if I would be open to deferring this and in an attempt to act on good faith, I agreed. 

This item will be moved from the public hearing agenda in January at the Metro Council to the February public hearing. 

However the billboard company who has demonstrated they are not willing to act in good faith and be a good neighbor in our community took advantage of the deferral and placed just the pole up in pouring down rain in a rush so that whatever happens they can still proceed through a grandfathering option. 

What I have learned is that when there is pending legislation such as what I have no action can be taken by any company during this time, however if a deferral takes place, they can proceed with at least starting and it is apparent that one of the commissioners was knowledgeable of this and moved quickly to have this done when it appeared that the other commissioners were wanting to consider discussion and to look at the issue since it was on consent with no discussion when it was passed earlier this year in January. 

I will continue to work with the staff and commissioners and the hope is that a fair decision is made that can truly allow neighborhoods and communities to have input into decisions on billboards that affect their areas instead of how it is presently, whereby it is automatically approved due to a technicality of moveable/changeable tri faced boards not being defined. 

Therefore resulting in them being considered the same as a static billboard face which does not move and is stationary. You can view this meeting that has been replaying this week tonight at 9:00 pm on Cable Channel 3. It has also been scheduled to be replayed on Saturday, November 19 at 9:00 am. A list of times when this is being replayed can be viewed at this link

The Ordinance regarding overgrown lots passed Second Reading and is coming up for final reading.

A Special thank you to all who participated in Mayor Karl Dean's 5 K Run/Walk last Sunday. Southeast Nashville was one of the largest groups in participation and it was equally as exciting to see so many of us from District 29. I have posted pictures on my facebook page please visit, view and comment on these and/or any other items that are posted.

Friday December 9, 2011
6:30 pm until 8:30 pm
Planning for Tentative Location - Our District's Very Own Gran Dale Manor - Planning has begun for our District Christmas Party. Please join me at my office hours Saturday at First Tennessee Bank from 10 am until 12 noon if you would like to help. Also other meetings have been planned for Monday, November 21 and Monday, November 28 at 6:00 pm at 500 Moss Landing Drive. You can also contact me by emailing me at or to help make our event a success for everyone. Thank you for your involvement in our District.


One more week until November 23 deadline for annual Metro tradition
Just one more week left to enter Metro's Holiday Lights Competition, which invites all Davidson County residents to share the Christmas spirit by decorating their homes and lawns. This is the 24th year of the contest, sponsored by Mayor Karl Dean, Metro Beautification & Environment, Metro Public Works, NewsChannel 5 and Nashville Electric Service.

The deadline to enter is Wednesday, November 23, and judging begins on December 5. Winners will be selected in each of the 35 Councilmanic Districts, and the County Wide Winner will be announced live on NewsChannel 5's 6:00 p.m. newscast on Friday, December 16.

Contestants are encouraged to include Environmental Elements such as energy conservation, recycling and/or nature themes, or recycled items in their display. Rules for the competition and a list of judging criteria are available at For more information, contact our Beautification Commissioner Karen VanCleave at 399-1550 or by email at

Click here for Entry Guidelines

All Entries must be returned by Wednesday November 23, 2011

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve you. I look forward to working with each of you to make our district the best that it can be.