Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Crime log September 22-24

The most serious calls handled by Metro police, listed by time, crime reported and address. Some reports may be unfounded. Police calls are listed by police precinct or town. When police cannot immediately determine the location of a crime, the address given is that of the police station or hospital where the crime was reported. For a detailed list, search CRIME
Sept. 24

9:01 a.m., holdup/robbery, 600 block Richards Road
7:37 p.m., holdup/robbery, 600 block Hickory Hollow Terrace
2:02 p.m., residential burglary, 200 block Fairway Drive
12:24 a.m., residential burglary, 200 block Spence Lane
6:41 p.m., cutting/stabbing, 700 block Margaret Robertsn Drive
Priest Lake
5:45 p.m., holdup/robbery, 2800 block Smith Springs Road
12:51 a.m., nonresidential burglary, 5300 block Mt. View Road
5:08 p.m., residential burglary, 200 block Plus Park Boulevard
5:47 p.m., holdup/robbery, 5400 block Bell Forge Lane East
10:48 p.m., holdup/robbery, Chestnut Street and Third Avenue South
6:03 p.m., residential burglary, 1600 block Longhunter Lane
Sept. 23
9:33 a.m., residential burglary, 500 block Piccadilly Row
2:47 p.m., residential burglary, 1400 block Bell Trace Drive
12:41 p.m., holdup/robbery, 3600 block Bell Road
9:24 p.m., holdup/robbery, 900 block Patricia Drive
Priest Lake
5:40 p.m., residential burglary, 3300 block Country Ridge Drive
9:36 p.m., residential burglary, 1000 block Carla Court
7:24 p.m., residential burglary, 2100 block Longhunter Lane
Sept. 22
9:53 a.m., residential burglary, 200 block Hickory Hollow Place
2:06 a.m., nonresidential burglary, 2600 block Lebanon Pike
11:31 a.m., residential burglary, 600 block Ermac Drive
5:03 p.m., residential burglary, 700 block Airways Circle
1:41 a.m., holdup/robbery, Lewis Street and Cannon Street
8:59 a.m., nonresidential burglary, 4800 block Lebanon Pike
10:29 a.m., holdup/robbery, 1000 block Riverwood Village Boulevard
2:28 p.m., nonresidential burglary, 3400 block Lebanon Pike
2:45 p.m., residential burglary, 7000 block Panama Drive