Tuesday, September 22, 2009

VERY IMPORTANT-Board Meeting September 17, 2009

President, Bob Wolfgang opened the meeting at 6:30 pm with Gary Gentry, Gary Petersen, Fran Oroson and Jim Curley in attendance.

Minutes of the August meeting and the Special Meeting held September 11, 2009 approved,

Financials were reviewed. We had a number of unusually high expenses in August: repair work done of units 120 and 123; erosion behind unit 132 and the down payment for work on unit 110. Fran Oroson made a motion that the financials be approved, Gary Gentry seconded the motion and the financials were approved.

An additional board member still has not been elected. Several people have decided not to accept a nomination. Fran said she would check with two more homeowners to see if they have an interest in filling the position left vacant by Mindy Schwartz’s resignation.

The repair work on Unit 110 has been delayed due to the weather and additional demands from the homeowner. Vintage Construction said they could complete the repair as soon as it stops raining. Due to the additional problems found once the repair work was started a change order was issued and an additional $1,800 will be required. It appears the original contractors dumped a load of concrete in front of the unit, which may have in part caused the brick to break away from the unit and crack. Because the contractor is no longer in Tennessee, we cannot seek restitution for the expense of repairing this wall. A civil engineer will be meeting with the unit owner on Friday (September 18th) to assure everyone there is no danger in moving back into the unit. (??????)

The trees that were cut down by Unit 100 were justified. The trees were growing too close to the air conditioning unit posing a real threat to damaging the air conditioning system. The trees were planted without advanced permission by the HOA Board and in accordance with the CCRs were removed. Once the trees were planted in a common area they became property of the HOA. The owners had requested a monetary reimbursement for the lost of these trees. Because they caused the above threat and were not approved to begin with, no monetary reimbursement will be paid. (They were not planted by unit 100, they came from a plant that dropped some blossoms..I am still trying to get in touch with mother nature to see if she asked for approval. It should not have been cut down with out permission)

Unit 100 also reported a water leak in the unit. J&K will be checking the repair work as soon as they can set up a time to meet with the homeowner. (J&K was here as scheduled, he knew what he had to do but, was told not to do anything until he talked to Curley. He called Curley's office and he was told that Curley was on vacation. I cancelled a meeting for him to come over and he drove a long way for nothing. Neither of us were very happy)

Unit 171 continues to be a major problem for the community. Jim Curley Properties has turned the issues over to the attorney and is investigating every avenue available trying to find the owners (this is a rental property). The police were called to the unit again on Monday night, September 14th. The garage door is damaged beyond repair and will need to be replaced. Because we have not been able to reach the owner, the HOA will have the door replaced and will charge the expenses to the owner. A lien has been placed against the homeowner. It has been reported that this unit has caused a number of potential sales to fall through. The HOA is doing everything it can to have the renters removed from the unit and the homeowner made accountable for the damages. (Unit 303 is the unit to thank. They are the one's that called Crime Stoppers and the police anytime anything went on. I would meet her up there in the afternoons and watch the condo)

The no trespassing signs are ordered and we are just waiting for them to be delivered. As soon as they arrive, Jim Curley Properties will have them installed along Long Hunter Court.

Parking continues to be a problem and the Board is getting more and more complaints. So it was decided that in accordance with the CCRs we will start towing cars illegally parked in the visitor areas and on the street. A notice will be posted on the mail boxes, then a ticket will be put on vehicles parked illegally and then they will be towed at the owner’s expense.

With the exception of units 116,118 and 136 power washing will be held off until 2010. The abnormally high expenses the Association has been faced with in August and September has made it necessary to wait for this work to be completed on all units.

Gutters and downspouts will be cleaned in November at a cost of $22 per unit.

It was reported that several driveways have cracks; however, are not at a point where we need to have them patched. However, Unit ____ has a major break in the driveway and that will need to be taken care of immediately.

Gary Petersen reported the President of Fairway Point (Bob Preston) approached him to see if they could use the Green’s visitor spaces at the top of hill. It was unanimous that they could not use our visitor spaces, as we need this area for our own visitors. Gary will let Bob know how the Board voted on this request.

The 2010 Annual Meeting has been scheduled for January 21, 2010.(All Must attend) The Library will be reserved for this meeting. Jim Curley Properties will prepare an annual budget for the Board’s review. Once the Board approves the budget a copy will the sent to all homeowners for review and comment. The budget will be voted on at the annual meeting by all homeowners. Gary Petersen made the motion that the association fees not be increased for 2010 due to the economic times, Gary Gentry seconded this motion and it was passed. (As far as I know Fran, Gary and Curley's contract is up as December 2009 - so there will be many openings. Everyone needs to attend this meeting!)

Please try and attend this meeting, I had put in a request to get someone out here so we would all know what we are and not covered for. This way you, you will be able to make sure that you have the correct amount of homeowners insurance. Please grab your neighbors and attend. I was told that the meetings were not held
because no one attended....

Gary Petersen made the motion that the meeting adjourn, Gary Gentry seconded the motion and the meeting was adjourned. The October meeting will be October 15, 2009, 6:30 PM at the Deer Field Club House. The Association’s insurance representative will be available for discussion of any questions the homeowners may have.

Respectfully submitted by Fran Oroson