Sunday, May 2, 2010

All Metro Schools Will Be Closed Monday

Channel 5
Posted: May 02, 2010 6:12 PM CDT

Metro Schools Director Gives Update On Schools0:47

Nashville, Tenn.- Sunday, Mayor Karl Dean held a press conference. Over 50 local streets have been closed at various locations as floodwaters continue to rise across Davidson County, and Metro's Office of Emergency Management continues to urge everyone to stay off the roads and streets.

Heeding to that request, all Metro-Davidson County schools will be closed Monday.

Dr. Jesse Register, Director of Metro Schools, spoke during the news conference. According to Register, 30 schools have suffered flood damage. One of the Head Start Schools, Frederick Douglass School, was submerged up to the roof.

"We've been very fortunate based on reports we've received do far. Our maintenance staff has been out today checking the buildings. We think we have flooding in 23 different schools, but not anything significant. We should be able to do cleanup tomorrow. Of all of those places, I think the most significant damage has been around Antioch Middle School where we've lost school buses to the flood, but no water inside the building there that we're aware of right now. So we think with a good day of work tomorrow-our maintenance crews will be out. Custodians will be out in the buildings to get clean-up done, and we should be ready to go as soon as the roads are restored and the power is back," said Register.

Metro's Office of Emergency Management says it is extremely important that residents stay off the roads Sunday and Monday if possible, particularly secondary roads unless travel is absolutely necessary.

"Going into tomorrow, we're going to ask everyone who can stay home to do so. We need to leave room for public works and others to do the clean-up and recovery process. We sending directions to various Metro employees through various departments to tell them what we expect and where we want them to go," said Dean.

The heaviest flooding continues in Antioch and Bellevue. Floodwater has risen into some Bellevue neighborhoods. Old Harding Road, Morton Mill Road, and Highway 70 are all closed near the Harpeth River.