Monday, May 3, 2010

Flood Causes Damage To Opryland Hotel

Channel 5 News
Posted: May 02, 2010 9:12 PM CDT
Updated: May 03, 2010 3:44 PM CDT

NASHVILLE, Tenn. - Flooding caused millions of dollars worth of damage to the Gaylord Opryland Resort. Flood waters reached as high as 10 feet in some parts of the building.

Officials said it could be months before the resort is open again.

As the Cumberland River rose Sunday night, operating officials at Opryland Hotel took precautions. They moved all guests to the Presidential Ballroom first, and then began evacuating people to McGavock High School.

Guests were given blankets and pillows, and many had to sleep on the floor.

Opryland spokeswoman Kim Keelor said the hotel guests' safety was the most important thing to consider.

Resort officials established a command post and started to move guests to other places.

"We've been without electricity most of the day on and off, and we started turning away all of our guests who were checking in today," said Keelor.

Keelor said all of the hotels in Nashville were booked, so they were having some challenges finding places to take Opryland guests.